Dec 9, 2022


We’re excited to introduce our new froggiesToken Ambassadors program.

The program has been designed to assist with our Community building efforts, project awareness and creating relationships with talented and passionate froggies members.

We believe that our community members are at the forefront of our success, and at the heart of the froggies Token.

We understand that product awareness plays a key role and it will have a direct impact on our growth.

The Ambassadors program is open to anyone.

You will be required to complete this registration form for consideration. We ask that you start work immediately and submit your work after you have finished and remember to use our hashtag.

A submission form is provided and you can submit many times as you want.

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Joined business/work to make a living, in other not to rub or steal from someone. Am average in height, fair in complexion 🇳🇬 Crypto Blockchain